Sikafloor® Compact

is a two part, very low yellowing, lowviscous, transparent epoxy resin.  "Total solid epoxycomposition acc. to the test method DeutscheBauchemie e.V.  (German Association for constructionchemicals)

Biological resistance certificate CSMStatement of Qualification – ISO 846, very good - Re-port No. SI 1008-533.▪Food compliance according to EC Nr. 1935/2004 andthe German Food and Feed Act, Hygiene Institut desRuhrgebiet; test report H-193755-10 August 2010 (tested system:Sikafloor® -169 sealed with Sikafloor®-304 W )
▪Eurofins Emission testing of  accordingto the AgBB-scheme and guidelines of the DiBt (AgBB– Committee for Health-related Evaluation of Build-ing Products, DiBt – German Institute for BuildingTechnology).
▪Sampling, testing and evaluation were performed ac-cording to ISO-16000, Report No. 766563C.
▪2-part epoxy binder for mortars, screeds and sealcoats according to EN 1504-2: 2004 and EN13813:2002, DoP 02 08 01 02 009 0 000010 2017,certified by Factory Production Control Body No.0921, certificate 2017, and provided with the CE-mark