6 october - industrial zone

Sika Anti-static flooring system - Sikafloor® ES 24 ECF is electrostatic conductive self-smoothing system for concrete or cement
screeds with normal up to medium heavy wear and can be used as conductive flooring system to protects electronics components from ESD events, offers an innovative solution. Suitable as a wearing course in industries, such as automotive, electronics and pharmaceutical manufacturing, storage facilities and warehouses.

Sikafloor® ES 24 ECF System buildup:

1. Primer + Earthing connection: Sikafloor®-161+ Sika® Earthing Kit
2. Conductive primer: Sikafloor® - 220 W Conductive
3. Conductive final coating film thickness ~1.5 mm: Sikafloor® - 262 AS N filled